Saturday, November 23, 2019

Buttered Toast

Good Morning!

While you await
your coffee roast
How 'bout a piece
of buttered toast?

Just get your bread
and take a slice
A perfect square!
Ain't that nice?

Did you see
my golden crust?
Eat that too,
it's a must!

Is the toaster plugged right in?
Get another slice and drop me in!
It's hot inside
this toaster oven
but it's your tummy I'm a-lovin'

I'm getting brown
and slightly crispy
thinking 'bout butter
light and wispy

Oh! I popped up now! It's time to eat!
Let me be
your morning treat!

I'm just a little piece of bread
Hoping to wake your morning head.

If you want
to treat your belly
don't forget
a little jelly

I feed the rich
I feed the poor
forgive me for
the crumbs on the floor.