Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Pot Of Beans

It's sitting there 

on the stove 

in a little heated cove 

Filled with beans, still quite firm 

they need to soak 

for their full term. 

Once the clock 
has passed eight hours 
the beans release 
their expanding powers 
They grow big 
and they get fat 
Ready to cook 
how 'bout that? 

Change the water 
add salt (a dash) 
now stir gently, 
don't whip or mash 

Let them cook 
on very low heat 
Towards the end 
you can add meat 

As the water starts to simmer 
you'll see the water growing dimmer 
what was once such water clear 
is now becoming broth so dear. 

Add some garlic 
pepper too 
maybe a bouillon cube 

Soon enough these beans will be 
in your gastrointestinal tube. 

Get a bowl and fill it up 
if your belly has room 
now it's time to enjoy 
this fine and tasty legume. 

If later on you feel taught 
as if you're swelling up a lot 
don't you worry, it will pass 
it's only the 
inevitable gas