Bring your dishes!
Hear them clink!
I'm your friendly kitchen sink!
I fill with water
from the faucet
so you can take
your bowl and wash it.
I'm made of steel
the stainless type
It tickles when
with sponge you wipe.
If you plug my drain and then
fill me up with suds
your dirty dishes and I will
become the best of buds!
Careful not to stop me up
with oils, grease and fat
For sometimes it is difficult
to find where the clog is at.
You can use me for
other things
like bathing your pet cat
or giving a long hot soak
to your sweaty baseball hat.
I am here to wash your hands
in either cold or hot
and fill your cup
with clean water
if thirst is what you got.
All in all, my uses are
an assorted mixture
I hope that you
will think of me
as a helpful kitchen fixture!