Hop on in, liʼl lassie!
I will carry you, in my chassis
Weʼll go near, weʼll go far
I will be your Very Best Car.
Buckle up, lock the doors
did you see my carpeted floors?
Adjust the air, steering wheel too
I am ready to transport you.
Got your key? Put it in!
Now letʼs go for a little spin
Around the block, into town
donʼt let the traffic get you down
Honk your horn, sing out loud
that big rain cloud.
Letʼs drive slow, letʼs drive fast
letʼs go forward, having a blast.
I have four wheels and a hood
gas me up
and oil me good
Take me in
for the annual check and take care
you donʼt me wreck.
Take me through
the nice car wash especially when through mud you slosh.
Make my payments right on time
Iʼll try to be worth every dime
Please be careful on the road
to not run over cat, dog, or toad.
Remember too
Safety first!
or your next ride
will be in a hearse.
Thanks for choosing me off the lot
now letʼs enjoy
the car you got!